Streams are used to read or write data in a sequential manner.
BlitzMax supports many kinds of streams, including standard file streams (for reading and writing to files), bank streams (for reading and writing to banks) and endian streams (for swapping the byte order of stream data).
Streams are usually created using OpenStream, ReadStream or WriteStream. However, some kinds of streams provide their own methods for creating streams. For example, banks streams are created with the CreateBankStream command.
OpenStream, ReadStream and WriteStream all require a url parameter, which is used to 'locate' the stream. A url is usually a string value.
If the url contains the string "::", then a stream protocol is being specified. If not, then the url is assumed to be a simple filename.
External modules can add their own stream protocols to the system, allowing you to use streams for a wide variety of purposes. For example, the "incbin::" protocol allows you to read data from a binary file that has been embedded in an application using the Incbin command.
Other protocols include "http::" for reading and writing data over a network, and "littleendian::" and "bigendian::" for swapping the byte order of streams.
To write to a stream, use one of the 'Write' style commands, such as WriteByte.
To read from a stream, use one of the 'Read' style commands, such as ReadByte.
Some kinds of streams (for example, file streams and bank streams) support random access. This means that you can modify where in the stream the next read or write is to occur using the SeekStream command. You can also tell where you are in such streams using the StreamPos command.
When you are finished with a stream, you should always close it using CloseStream. Failure to do so may result in a resource leak, or prevent the stream from successfully opening in future.
Type | Description |
TStreamException | Base exception type thrown by streams |
TStreamReadException | Exception type thrown by streams in the event of read errors |
TStreamWriteException | Exception type thrown by streams in the event of write errors |
TIO | Base input/output type |
TStream | Data stream type |
TStreamWrapper | Utility stream wrapper type |
TCStream | Standard C file stream type |
TStreamFactory | Base stream factory type |
Function OpenStream:TStream( url:Object,readable:Int=True,writeMode:Int=WRITE_MODE_OVERWRITE )
Open a stream for reading/writing/appending
All streams created by OpenStream, ReadStream, WriteStream or AppendStream should eventually be closed using CloseStream.
A stream object
Function ReadStream:TStream( url:Object )
Open a stream for reading
All streams created by OpenStream, ReadStream or WriteStream should eventually be closed using CloseStream.
A stream object
' readstream.bmx
' opens a read stream to the website and
' dumps the content to the console using readline and print
Local in:TStream = ReadStream("")
If Not in RuntimeError "Failed to open a ReadStream to file"
While Not Eof(in)
Print ReadLine(in)
CloseStream in
Function WriteStream:TStream( url:Object )
Open a stream for writing
All streams created by OpenStream, ReadStream, WriteStream or AppendStream should eventually be closed using CloseStream.
A stream object
' writestream.bmx
' opens a write stream to the file mygame.ini and
' outputs a simple text file using WriteLine
Local out:TStream = WriteStream("mygame.ini")
If Not out RuntimeError "Failed to open a WriteStream to file mygame.ini"
WriteLine out,"[display]"
WriteLine out,"width=800"
WriteLine out,"height=600"
WriteLine out,"depth=32"
WriteLine out,""
WriteLine out,"[highscores]"
WriteLine out,"AXE=1000"
WriteLine out,"HAL=950"
WriteLine out,"MAK=920"
CloseStream out
Print "File mygame.ini created, bytes="+FileSize("mygame.ini")
Function AppendStream:TStream( url:Object )
Open a stream for appending
All streams created by OpenStream, ReadStream, WriteStream or AppendStream should eventually be closed using CloseStream.
A stream object
Function Eof:Int( stream:TStream )
Get stream end of file status
True If stream is at end of file
Function StreamPos:Long( stream:TStream )
Get current position of seekable stream
Current stream position, or -1 If stream is not seekable
Function StreamSize:Long( stream:TStream )
Get current size of seekable stream
Current stream size in bytes, or -1 If stream is not seekable
Function SeekStream:Long( stream:TStream, pos:Long, whence:Int = SEEK_SET_ )
Set stream position of seekable stream
New stream position, or -1 If stream is not seekable
Function FlushStream( stream:TStream )
Flush a stream
FlushStream writes any outstanding buffered data to stream.
Function CloseStream( stream:TStream )
Close a stream
All streams should be closed when they are no longer required. Closing a stream also flushes the stream before it closes.
Function ReadByte:Int( stream:TStream )
Read a Byte from a stream
ReadByte reads a single Byte from stream. A TStreamReadException is thrown If there is not enough data available.
A Byte value
Function ReadShort:Int( stream:TStream )
Read a Short from a stream
ReadShort reads 2 bytes from stream. A TStreamReadException is thrown If there is not enough data available.
A Short value
Function ReadInt:Int( stream:TStream )
Read an Int from a stream
ReadInt reads 4 bytes from stream. A TStreamReadException is thrown If there is not enough data available.
An Int value
Function ReadLong:Long( stream:TStream )
Read a Long from a stream
ReadLong reads 8 bytes from stream. A TStreamReadException is thrown If there is not enough data available.
A Long value
Function ReadFloat#( stream:TStream )
Read a Float from a stream
ReadFloat reads 4 bytes from stream. A TStreamReadException is thrown If there is not enough data available.
A Float value
Function ReadDouble!( stream:TStream )
Read a Double from a stream
ReadDouble reads 8 bytes from stream. A TStreamWriteException is thrown If there is not enough data available.
A Double value
Function WriteByte( stream:TStream,n:Int )
Write a Byte to a stream
WriteByte writes a single Byte to stream. A TStreamWriteException is thrown If the Byte could Not be written
Function WriteShort( stream:TStream,n:Int )
Write a Short to a stream
WriteShort writes 2 bytes to stream. A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written
Function WriteInt( stream:TStream,n:Int )
Write an Int to a stream
WriteInt writes 4 bytes to stream. A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written
Function WriteLong( stream:TStream,n:Long )
Write a Long to a stream
WriteLong writes 8 bytes to stream. A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written
Function WriteFloat( stream:TStream,n# )
Write a Float to a stream
WriteFloat writes 4 bytes to stream. A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written
Function WriteDouble( stream:TStream,n! )
Write a Double to a stream
WriteDouble writes 8 bytes to stream. A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written
Function ReadString$( stream:TStream,length:Int )
Read a String from a stream
A TStreamReadException is thrown if not all bytes could be read.
A String of length length
Function WriteString( stream:TStream,str$ )
Write a String to a stream
Each character in str is written to stream.
A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written.
Function ReadLine$( stream:TStream )
Read a line of text from a stream
Bytes are read from stream until a newline character (ascii code 10) or null character (ascii code 0) is read, or end of file is detected.
Carriage Return characters (ascii code 13) are silently ignored.
The bytes read are returned in the form of a string, excluding any terminating newline or null character.
A string
Function WriteLine:Int( stream:TStream,str$ )
Write a line of text to a stream
A sequence of bytes is written to the stream (one for each character in str) followed by the line terminating sequence "rn".
True if line successfully written, else False
Function LoadString$( url:Object )
Load a String from a stream
The specified url is opened for reading, and each byte in the resultant stream (until eof of file is reached) is read into a string.
A TStreamReadException is thrown if the stream could not be read.
A String
Function SaveString( str$,url:Object )
Save a String to a stream
The specified url is opened For writing, and each character of str is written to the resultant stream.
A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written.
Function LoadByteArray:Byte[]( url:Object )
Load a Byte array from a stream
The specified url is opened for reading, and each byte in the resultant stream (until eof of reached) is read into a byte array.
A Byte array
Function SaveByteArray( byteArray:Byte[],url:Object )
Save a Byte array to a stream
The specified url is opened For writing, and each element of byteArray is written to the resultant stream.
A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written.
Function CopyStream( fromStream:TStream,toStream:TStream,bufSize:Int=4096 )
Copy stream contents to another stream
CopyStream copies bytes from fromStream to toStream Until fromStream reaches end of file.
A TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written.
Function CopyBytes( fromStream:TStream,toStream:TStream,count:Int,bufSize:Int=4096 )
Copy bytes from one stream to another
CopyBytes copies count bytes from fromStream to toStream.
A TStreamReadException is thrown if not all bytes could be read, and a TStreamWriteException is thrown if not all bytes could be written.
Function CasedFileName$(path$)
Returns a case sensitive filename if it exists from a case insensitive file path.
Opens a file for output operations.
Opens a file for appending with all output operations writing data at the end of the file.
Repositioning operations such as Seek affects the next input operations, but output operations move the position back to the end of file.