Literals are simple numeric or string values.
Integer literals
Integer literals may be in either decimal, hexadecimal or binary format. To specify a hexadecimal literal, prepend it
with the $
character. To specify a binary literal, prepend it with the %
character. Here are some examples of
integer literals:
100 'decimal literal
$CAFEBABE 'hexadecimal (base 16) literal
%10101010 'binary (base 2) literal
Floating point literals
Floating point literals are numeric values with a fractional part. The fractional part is specified using a decimal point. Floating point literals may also be extended using 'e notation'. For example:
.5 'one half
10.0 'ten point zero
1e6 '1 times (10 to the power of 6)
1.5e-6 '1.5 times (10 to the power of -6)
String literals
A string literal is a sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks. For example:
"Hello World"
"" 'empty string
String literals can also contain escape sequences. An escape sequence is a special sequence of characters used to
represent another character. This is useful for including untypable characters and quotation marks in strings. Escape
sequences always start with the ~
character. The following escape sequences are supported:
Escape sequence | Equivalent character |
~0 | Null character (ascii code 0) |
~t | Tab character (ascii code 9) |
~r | Return character (ascii code 13) |
~n | Newline character (ascii code 10) |
~q | Quote character (ascii code 34) |
~~ | Tilde character (ascii code 126) |
~n~ .. ~nnnn~ | Unicode character, e.g. ~65~ = A |
~$n~ .. ~$nnnn~ | Hexadecimal character, e.g. ~$41~ = A |
~%n~ .. ~%nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~ | Binary character, e.g. ~%1000001~ = A |
For example:
Print "And then Mark said, ~qescape sequences rule!~q"
Print "Line1~nLine2~nLine3~nLine4~nLine5"
The type of a literal may also be modified by appending :TypeName
to the literal. For example: