Serialising with JConv
In the context of Text.JConv, serialisation is the mapping of BlitzMax objects to their JSON representation.
Take the following TUser
type to start with :
Type TUser
Field name:String
Field email:String
Field age:int
End Type
The TUser
object has three Fields,
An application needs to convert a 'TUser' into its JSON representation, so assuming the member names remained the same, we could expect a typical JSON representation to look like this :
"name" : "bob",
"email" : "bob@example.com",
"age" : 30
To convert a TUser
to JSON, we first construct an instance of one for the user Bob :
Local user:TUser = New TUser("bob", "bob@example.com", 30)
In order to do the serialisation, we need an instance of TJConv to do the conversion :
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.Build()
The next step is to call the ToJson method of TJConv, passing the object we want to serialise :
Local json:String = jconv.ToJson(user)
The json
String contains the following value :
{"name": "bob", "email": "bob@example.com", "age": 30}
Notice that Text.JConv respects the field types, wrapping Strings in quotes, but not so for numbers. Just a single method call is required to do the conversion of the entire object. This is useful when working with more complex object structures.
Here's the example in full :
Framework BRL.StandardIO
Import Text.JConv
Local user:TUser = New TUser("bob", "bob@example.com", 30)
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.Build()
Local json:String = jconv.ToJson(user)
Print json
Type TUser
Field name:String
Field email:String
Field age:Int
Method New(name:String, email:String, age:Int)
Self.name = name
Self.email = email
Self.age = age
End Method
End Type
Deserialising with JConv
We'll start by creating a String containing the JSON to convert :
Local json:String = "{~qname~q: ~qbob~q, ~qemail~q: ~qbob@example.com~q, ~qage~q: 30}"
Again, we'll build an instance of TJConv which will perform the conversion :
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.Build()
Finally, we need to map the JSON to a BlitzMax Object with FromJson :
Local user:TUser = TUser(jconv.FromJson(json, "TUser"))
Note that the second argument specifies the name of the Type we want the String to map the JSON to. Without this hint, Text.JConv wouldn't know what Type to create from the text.
The user
object returned from FromJson will have its fields populated accordingly.
Here's the example in full :
Framework BRL.StandardIO
Import Text.JConv
Local json:String = "{~qname~q: ~qbob~q, ~qemail~q: ~qbob@example.com~q, ~qage~q: 30}"
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.Build()
Local user:TUser = TUser(jconv.FromJson(json, "TUser"))
Print "name = " + user.name
Print "email = " + user.email
Print "age = " + user.age
Type TUser
Field name:String
Field email:String
Field age:Int
Method New(name:String, email:String, age:Int)
Self.name = name
Self.email = email
Self.age = age
End Method
End Type
Serialising Nested Objects
Text.JConv can also handle the conversion of more complex objects that include the nesting of other non-primitive objects.
To demostrate this we will extend the TUser
type to include an address, which will be represented by the TAddress
Type :
Type TUser
Field name:String
Field email:String
Field age:Int
Field address:TAddress
End Type
Type TAddress
Field line1:String
Field city:String
Field country:String
End Type
In BlitzMax the two models are cleanly separated by types, and the TAddress
reference is held in the address
Field of the user.
In JSON however, the address must be nested directly within the user object, as we can see here :
"name" : "bob",
"email" : "bob@example.com",
"age" : 30,
"address" : {
"line1" : "66 Some Street",
"city" : "Someville",
"country" : "Someland"
We'll initially create the required BlitzMax objects :
Local address:TAddress = New TAddress("66 Some Street", "Someville", "Someland")
Local user:TUser = New TUser("bob", "bob@example.com", 30, address)
And then serialise the user with an instance of TJConv :
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.Build()
Local json:String = jconv.ToJson(user)
The resulting conversion to JSON is :
{"name": "bob", "email": "bob@example.com", "age": 30, "address": {"line1": "66 Some Street", "city": "Someville", "country": "Someland"}}
As you can see, Text.JConv has correctly nested the address inside the user as a JSON object.
Deserialising Nested Objects
In the real world, the developer is often presented with a JSON API from which they need to construct the relevant BlitzMax Types in order to import the data.
As we have seen previously, the structure of a JSON object maps relatively well to a BlitzMax Object and its fields. In the next example, we'll start with a JSON object and construct a set of BlitzMax Types that we can use to deserialise the data in order to use it within our BlitzMax application.
In this particular example, we will be retrieving some airport information from an online flight information resource :
"id": "BER",
"code": "BER",
"name": "Berlin Brandenburg",
"slug": "berlin-brandenburg-berlin-germany",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"city": {
"id": "berlin_de",
"name": "Berlin",
"code": "BER",
"slug": "berlin-germany",
"country": {
"id": "DE",
"name": "Germany",
"slug": "germany",
"code": "DE"
"region": {
"id": "central-europe",
"name": "Central Europe",
"slug": "central-europe"
"continent": {
"id": "europe",
"name": "Europe",
"slug": "europe",
"code": "EU"
"location": {
"lat": 52.366667,
"lon": 13.503333
As you can see, there are several levels of nesting. The main airport object has a nested city
, and within that country
, region
and continent
Also notice that many of the objects share a similar structure (id
, name
, slug
, and code
We can use BlitzMax's Type polymorphism by creating a base Type and avoid a lot of duplication :
Type TBase
Field id:String
Field code:String
Field name:String
Field slug:String
End Type
Next, we'll define the BlitzMax types that will contain the more specific information :
Type TAirport Extends TBase
Field timezone:String
Field city:TCity
Field location:TLocation
End Type
Type TCity Extends TBase
Field country:TCountry
Field region:TRegion
Field continent:TContinent
End Type
Type TCountry Extends TBase
End Type
Type TRegion Extends TBase
End Type
Type TContinent Extends TBase
End Type
Type TLocation
Field lat:Double
Field lon:Double
End Type
Each Type represents a particular JSON object from original nested JSON. TCity
contains fields for country
, region
and continent
, each of which are types
representing that particular piece of information.
Where the naming of your fields must match those of the JSON objects, how you name your types is not important for JSON mapping, but you'll generally give them a name that reflects the kind of information they contain.
Finally, we can use these types to de-serialise a matching JSON object, as shown in this complete example :
Framework BRL.StandardIO
Import Text.JConv
Local data:String = "{~qid~q:~qBER~q,~qcode~q:~qBER~q,~qname~q:~qBerlin Brandenburg~q,~qslug~q:~qberlin-brandenburg-berlin-germany~q,~qtimezone~q:~qEurope/Berlin~q,~qcity~q:{~qid~q:~qberlin_de~q,~qname~q:~qBerlin~q,~qcode~q:~qBER~q,~qslug~q:~qberlin-germany~q,~qcountry~q:{~qid~q:~qDE~q,~qname~q:~qGermany~q,~qslug~q:~qgermany~q,~qcode~q:~qDE~q},~qregion~q:{~qid~q:~qcentral-europe~q,~qname~q:~qCentral Europe~q,~qslug~q:~qcentral-europe~q},~qcontinent~q:{~qid~q:~qeurope~q,~qname~q:~qEurope~q,~qslug~q:~qeurope~q,~qcode~q:~qEU~q}},~qlocation~q:{~qlat~q:52.366667,~qlon~q:13.503333}}"
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.Build()
Local airport:TAirport = TAirport(jconv.FromJson(data, "TAirport"))
Print "Airport : " + airport.name
Print " City : " + airport.city.name
Print " Location : " + airport.location.lat + ", " + airport.location.lon
Type TBase
Field id:String
Field code:String
Field name:String
Field slug:String
End Type
Type TAirport Extends TBase
Field timezone:String
Field city:TCity
Field location:TLocation
End Type
Type TCity Extends TBase
Field country:TCountry
Field region:TRegion
Field continent:TContinent
End Type
Type TCountry Extends TBase
End Type
Type TRegion Extends TBase
End Type
Type TContinent Extends TBase
End Type
Type TLocation
Field lat:Double
Field lon:Double
End Type
Customising Field Names
Occasionally, a JSON object will use a key that has the same name as a reserved keyword in BlitzMax. In that case, you are unable create a field
using the desired name. Fortunately, Text.JConv allows you use metadata to specify the serialised name of a given field using the serializedName
metadata property.
Take the following JSON object as an example :
"field" : "hello",
"for" : "ever"
Neither field
nor for
are valid names for fields, but we can use the serializedName
feature to create a valid BlitzMax Type that can
deserialise this object :
Type TCustomFields
Field field_:String { serializedName="field" }
Field anotherField:String { serializedName = "for" }
End Type
As this example demonstrates, when using the serializedName
metadata property, you can give any name to your fields and the data will still be mapped from
the JSON object correctly.
Here the example in full :
Framework BRL.StandardIO
Import Text.JConv
Local data:String = "{~qfield~q:~qhello~q,~qfor~q:~qever~q}"
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.Build()
Local custom:TCustomFields = TCustomFields(jconv.FromJson(data, "TCustomFields"))
Print custom.field_
Print custom.anotherField
Type TCustomFields
Field field_:String { serializedName="field" }
Field anotherField:String { serializedName = "for" }
End Type
In addition to serializedName
, another metadata property is available during deserialisation, alternateName
. If you consider serializedName
as being
the default value, alternateName
allows you to map other JSON keys to a particular field.
For example, given a TUser
object where we are already mapping the JSON key full_name
to the field name
Type TUser
Field name:String { serializedName = "full_name" }
Field email:String
Field age:int
End Type
We decide we also want ingest similar data from another system in our application. Instead of full_name
, the other system uses
for this value. Using the alternateName
metadata property we can add a comma-delimited list of other names, and our Type becomes :
Type TUser
Field name:String { serializedName = "full_name", alternateName ="username" }
Field email:String
Field age:int
End Type
is only available during deserialisation. Text.JConv will use either the Field name or the serializedName
when mapping a
BlitzMax object to JSON.
The following two sets of JSON would map to a TUser
object and set the name
Field appropriately :
"full_name" : "Bob",
"email" : "bob@example.com"
"username" : "userBob",
"email" : "bob@example.com"
If there are multiple fields in the JSON that match, Text.JConv will apply the value that is processed last. So, in the following example,
deserialising the JSON would result in the name
Field containing the value userBob
"full_name" : "Bob",
"username" : "userBob",
"email" : "bob@example.com"
Ignoring Fields
If you don't want a field to be mapped to or from JSON there are some metadata properties that you can apply to your types in order to do so.
The first, transient
, completely disables field from mapping in either direction.
If you want more finer grained control, the metadata properties noSerialize
and noDeserialize
can be used instead.
The noSerialize
property instructs Text.JConv not to serialize a particular field to JSON, but it allows data from a JSON object to be
deserialized into the Field.
On the other hand, noDeserialize
prevents data from a JSON object from deserializing into the Field, but does allow it to be serialized into
a JSON object.
We'll apply some properties to the TUser
object to demonstrate the options :
Type TUser
Field name:String
Field email:String { noSerialize }
Field age:int { noDeserialize }
Field passwordHash:String { transient }
End Type
Based on the above example, when serializing an instance of TUser
, only the name
and age
fields would be mapped to JSON.
Similarly, only the name
and email
fields would be mapped from a JSON object.
The following is a complete example of these properties in action :
Framework BRL.StandardIO
Import Text.JConv
Local user:TUser = New TUser("bob", "bob@example.com", 30, "xxxx")
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.Build()
Local json:String = jconv.ToJson(user)
Print "json : " + json
json = "{~qname~q: ~qbob~q, ~qemail~q: ~qbob@example.com~q, ~qage~q: 30, ~qpasswordHash~q: ~qxxxx~q}"
user = TUser(jconv.FromJson(json, "TUser"))
Print "name : " + user.name
Print "email : " + user.email
Print "age : " + user.age
Print "hash : " + user.passwordHash
Type TUser
Field name:String
Field email:String { noSerialize }
Field age:Int { noDeserialize }
Field passwordHash:String { transient }
Method New(name:String, email:String, age:Int, ph:String)
Self.name = name
Self.email = email
Self.age = age
Self.passwordHash = ph
End Method
End Type
Configuring TJConv with the Builder
You may have noticed, that by default Text.JConv serialises the JSON into a single line. You can change this behaviour with one ofthe builder's configurable options.
The builder uses what is known as a fluent interface, or method chaining design, where a sequence of method calls can be used to construct the TJConv instance.
For example, the following builder creates an instance of TJConv which will serialise objects to JSON with a decimal a precision of 2 places and compact objects :
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.WithPrecision(2).WithCompact().Build()
The WithIndent method of TJConvBuilder specifies the number of spaces to use for indenting of nested objects. The default of 0 (zero) means not to use pretty-printing.
This is an example of TUser
using the default options :
{"name": "Bob", "email": "bob@example.com", "age": 30}
And this is an example of building with WithIndent :
"name": "Bob",
"email": "bob@example.com",
"age": 30
On the other hand, JSON can be compacted further using the WithCompact method, which works to remove extra spaces :
The representation of decimal numbers can be controlled by the WithPrecision method, which specifies the maximum number of decimal places to used.
For example, the default representation of a Type TPoint
Type TPoint
Field x:Double
Field y:Double
End Type
would normally result in the following JSON with fields of the values (10.565, 15.912) :
{"x": 10.565, "y": 15.912000000000001}
Using a maximum precision of 3 (WithPrecision(3)
), the resulting JSON would become :
{"x": 10.565, "y": 15.912}
By default, Null/empty arrays are not serialised at all. That is, the field is not included in the JSON object.
The WithEmptyArrays option can be enabled to generate an empty array ([]
] instead.
Primitive numbers, by their very nature in BlitzMax, have no concept of nullability. JSON, conversely, can represent any field as a null value,
either by simply not including it in the object, or by having the value null
To support this, Text.JConv provides an option to use "boxed" primitives in your types. A Boxed primitive is just an instance of a Type that has a value field of the appropriate numeric Type. Using a boxed primitive then allows a field to contain a value, or be Null.
This feature is enabled by using the WithBoxing option of the builder.
As an example, suppose there is a JSON object which has a numeric field failures
. The schema specifies that this value can either be null
or have a value
greater than zero :
"jobId": "ABC123",
"failures": 3,
"lastError": "overflow"
"jobId": "DEF456"
Deserialising this wouldn't be a problem, as our TJob
Type could represent no failures
by the number zero :
Type TJob
Field jobId:String
Field failures:Int
Field lastError:String
End Type
However, were we required to serialise our Type to JSON for use by the API, we'd potentially fail schema validation by passing zero as a value for
the failures
Utilising the boxing feature, we could instead define the failures
Field as TInt
Type TJob
Field jobId:String
Field failures:TInt
Field lastError:String
End Type
Which would, for Null values, result in the features
Field not being serialized to JSON.
Here's a full example highlighting the use of boxing :
Framework BRL.StandardIO
Import Text.JConv
Local job1:TJob = New TJob("ABC123", 3, "overflow")
Local job2:TBoxedJob = New TBoxedJob("DEF456", 0, Null)
Local jconv:TJConv = New TJConvBuilder.WithBoxing().WithIndent(2).Build()
Print jconv.ToJson(job1)
Print jconv.ToJson(job2)
Type TJob
Field jobId:String
Field failures:Int
Field lastError:String
Method New(jobId:String, failures:Int, lastError:String)
Self.jobId = jobId
Self.failures = failures
Self.lastError = lastError
End Method
End Type
Type TBoxedJob
Field jobId:String
Field failures:TInt
Field lastError:String
Method New(jobId:String, failures:Int, lastError:String)
Self.jobId = jobId
If failures > 0 Then
Self.failures = New TInt(failures)
End If
Self.lastError = lastError
End Method
End Type
Running the above example would result in the following output :
"jobId": "ABC123",
"failures": 3,
"lastError": "overflow"
"jobId": "DEF456"
Type | Description |
TJConvBuilder | Creates an instance of TJConv with custom settings. |
TJConv | Serialises or deserializes objects to and from JSON. |
TJConvSerializer | Serializes BlitzMax type to JSON. |